Richard Wall

Thank you for visiting our site. I’m Richard Wall, from North Yorkshire in the UK. I used to be a Chartered Accountant and was recently Finance Director for a local company which we sold in 2021. I had a break, however I have come out of retirement for an exciting project called VOW®. There are some impressive people behind Vow and I’ve been around it for more than 10 years.

Vow aims to change the world by decentralising the issuance of currency. The VOW token itself is a crypto currency ‘coin’, however, unlike any others, the crypto part is very much in the background of the Vow project.

Would you like more money?

If you want to raise capital, develop additional income streams, or you just need to save money, let me know and I will see if I can point you in the right direction. If you are looking at Multi Level Marketing (MLM) – also known as Network Marketing or even the dreaded ‘Pyramid Selling’. My advice is you are more likely to lose money than make money, so probably don’t do it. Over 90% of people don’t make any money and quit. If you are in any doubt, check out my MLM page for what to look for.

I can help you

  • Raise capital (without needing to pay it back)
  • Set up additional income streams
  • Save money on shopping with many household name retailers


Lehman Brothers spectacularly going bust in 2008 was the writing on the wall that ordinary folks like us can’t afford to rely on banks. Bitcoin provided the perfect solution: a decentralised monetary system which doesn’t depend on any central authority like a bank or government. The Crypto page has some really good information about why Bitcoin’s invention in January 2009 was so important for the world.

One of my claims to fame is, around 10 years ago, I bought a Bitcoin for about $600. I was thrilled a few weeks later when I sold it for $750. However, the Bitcoin price went up to around $70,000 in 2024, so maybe I should have held on. The problem for me was it was gambling – it is mainly about speculation.

However brilliant Bitcoin is for the world, there has not been and probably never will be utility. Most people buy it, sit on it and hope that it will go up in value, known as HODLing (Hold On for Dear Life).

“Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.”

Marc Kenigsberg

Vow® is the missing piece for global crypto adoption.

Of the now thousands of crypto coins out there, Vow is one of the few that have utility. A completely new currency is generated by brands, shops, restaurants, hotels, airlines and distributed to their customers. Businesses can save up to 80% or more compared to existing rewards programmes. And consumers save money.

The crypto part is the engine in the background… businesses and consumers don’t need to understand it or even be aware of it.

Each year retailers lose $7 trillion of revenue by discounting. Vow fixes that.

Vow is transforming the global loyalty / rewards sector and is also very exciting for consumers to save and make money. For more information about Vow, check out the Vow Currency page.

Call or email me for more information. rich [at]